

đź“ť Summarize YouTube Video with AI

Instantly craft custom video summaries with our intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Execute AI workflows within the app or integrate them into your projects.

Placeholder for AI-Flow Youtube Video Summarizer

Create Powerful AI Workflows

AI-Flow’s intuitive interface simplifies the process of AI model integration. Select, connect, and experiment with ease — no technical expertise required.

Build AI Tools Quickly

Create your own video summarizer in just minutes using our no-code interface.

Flexibility at the Core, Customize as you Wish

Want to focus the summary on specific sections? Need an additional summary highlighting the top 3 facts? Experiment freely and build the perfect tool tailored to your needs.

Integrate Multiple AI Models Seamlessly

Combine AI models like GPT-4o, Claude, and Stable Diffusion 3 for innovative outcomes.

10 models available

  • GPT-4o
  • FLUX.1
  • DALL-E 3
  • Stable Diffusion 3
  • Replicate
  • LLaMa 3
  • Claude 3
  • Mistral
  • Stable Video Diffusion
  • MusicGen
  • GPT-3.5
  • Face Swap
  • GPT Vision
  • GPT-4o
  • FLUX.1
  • DALL-E 3
  • Stable Diffusion 3
  • Replicate
  • LLaMa 3
  • Claude 3
  • Mistral
  • Stable Video Diffusion
  • MusicGen
  • GPT-3.5
  • Face Swap
  • GPT Vision
Integrate Multiple AI Models Seamlessly

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I summarize a YouTube video using AI-FLOW?

With AI-FLOW, summarizing a YouTube video is simple. Visit app.ai-flow.net, and use the YouTube Transcript Node to retrieve the video transcription in your preferred language. Then, choose from AI models like GPT-4o, GPT4-o-mini, Claude, and more to generate a summary.

What should I do if the YouTube transcription is incomplete?

If the YouTube transcription is incomplete, you can use the "turian/insanely-fast-whisper-with-video" model via the Replicate Node. This powerful model will create a transcription directly from the video file.

Can I summarize videos that aren’t on YouTube?

Absolutely! You can upload .mp4 or .mp3 files directly to the app, as long as they are within the size limit. Then, experiment with different Whisper models in the Replicate Node to find the best fit for your video, once you have the transcript with Whisper, you can summarize it with another model.

Is there a free trial available?

Yes, AI-FLOW offers a free trial to get you started. After that, you can purchase credits as needed—no subscription or long-term commitment required.

Can I integrate my API keys from providers like OpenAI and Replicate with AI-FLOW Cloud Version ?

Yes, you can easily integrate your existing API keys with AI-FLOW. If specified, nodes related to the API Key provided will use your API key, significantly reducing your platform credit usage.